Sound Healing
The oldest scriptures in the world, the ‘vedas’ have extensively covered the importance of sound. As per the Vedas the existence of Brahma can be felt through vibrations of shabda and nada. Infact, in the olden days sound was used not only for every social event but for epidemics like cholera, plague etc as well, where yagnas were performed , putting required herbs in the fire to heal the particular disease, while simultaneously chanting vedic mantras. Mantras were also chanted for other needs like for rain, for bearing child, to avoid future calamites etc.
Our cosmos consists of the sound waves in different frequencies. Similarly our body is made of many organs and every organ has a different frequency of sound. When body or different organs in the body go in imbalance there is disharmony. The nada (sound) can create the balance again, this sound can be created by shabda (chanting) and musical instruments, crystal bowls etc. In ancient India our seers created various mantras for different ailments like Mahamrityumjaya jap, Gayatri mantra, Mahapran Dhvani, Om etc.
Ancient India was using many instruments like conch, flute, veena etc. There are some episodes in history that even animals responded to the instrument. The cows gave more milk with the sound of flute. It has been noticed that even plants grow better with positive sound.
Infact, birds and animals are better equipped to perceive the sound even at a very subtle stage. They are able to sense the future events like earth quake, tsunami and other natural calamities.
We have 72-80 % water in the body. Sound travels easily through water, when you sing/chant/ play instrument, it produces positive vibrations. While chanting or singing it involves our breathing also. Through breathing we can correct the pattern of energy flowing through the body, with rhythmic breathing energy flow goes in correction.
We can use sound therapy to heal the person at subtler level. When corrections take place at this level the gross body also shows changes. There is better harmony, better function at body level.
These days music is used mostly for entertainment. But with music that is very loud one can get tired after a point. It may not always bring the required change at the physical and mental level. Whereas using positive sound can bring changes in physical, mental, emotional level, this has been proven by many researchers.
Sound can be very strong. When army is crossing the bridge they do not march because it can collapse or break the bridge due to the rhythmic sound produced by their feet. Sound can make the snow melt at high snow mountains. Most of the time we are operating at mental level, we never remain silent, the inner talks keep going on and on. These talks continue to leave impression on our personality.
There are specific sounds which activate different parts of the body and can improve health issues like sound Aum can activate all the energy centers in the body.
The proper use of vowels of the ancient Sanskrit language can also be regarded as an elementary exercise in shabda yoga. As per scriptures the properties of some of these basic vowels like ‘a’ (अ) has subtle impact on heart. The pumping action on heart, specially its exhaling pure blood is supported by this accent. In mantra vijanana this vowel is recorded to posses’ creative powers. Same way ‘aa’ (आ), i (इ),ii (ई), u (उ), ai (अई), o (ओ), au (औ), am (अम), ah (अह )stretched pronunciation of these vowels can have direct positive effect on various parts of the body.
These sounds are very effective in calming the mind. When children or adults are restless the sound can make them calm. The power of shabda is immense, it has intimate eternal relationship with our life. That is why scriptures teach us our speech and thoughts should be pure and true. This will be our first step towards the realization of importance of sound as a manifestation of shabda.
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